Important Community Notices

  • Notice from SLC: Four-month construction project at the Salt Lake City Public Utilities water treatment plant in City Creek Canyon.

We realize a large number of walkers, runners and cyclists from the Capitol Hill area love the Canyon and use it regularly and SLCPU is making every effort to keep them safe during this project.

Large trucks and heavy equipment will be moving up and down the Canyon from January 30 through February 14 as our contractors stage equipment at the plant. We expect the project to last through late May. We are making every effort to keep the Canyon open and accessible to its devoted users during the work, but we may need to do a couple of hard closures in the process to ensure the safest environment for public and crew. If a closure occurs, I will email to lists of recreational users as far in advance as possible. We are also communicating safety and accessibility updates through our social media sites (see below).
Twitter: @slcpu and @SLCwatershed
SLCPU watershed phone: 801-483-6705

We are asking everyone to practice caution while walking/cycling/running in the Canyon during this work. Watch for equipment and please slow down (especially on descent). There will be weekend work, as well. Construction activity will begin as early as 6 a.m. and likely continue till dusk.

We will have pilot trucks in the Canyon, a mobile electronic sign with a warning message at the entrance and our contractors are keenly aware of driving slowly to support public safety on the narrow road.

City Creek Coag Demo project engagement flier

  • Warning from a concerned community member & confirmed by SLC PD:
    This intruder has been breaking into Zion Summit and Trevi Towers and possibly other homes in the area. If you see him, please contact 911.

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