The City Council’s September 19 meeting is full of proposals that will impact residents citywide, and the Council wants your feedback about them.
Tuesday, September 19 Public Hearings
7 p.m. at the City & County Building
451 South State Street, Room 315
Weigh in about any or all of these important topics:
Transit Master Plan: A proposed citywide plan that would help guide the future of bus, light-rail and streetcar systems in the City. More information: Executive Summary and Council Staff Report.
Homeless Resource Centers (HRC):
This proposed ordinance would create requirements that the two new HRCs must comply with in order to operate in the City.In addition to this proposal, the Administration is working on design plans for the new buildings and will soon hold public hearings about them. Learn more about both proposals here.
Accessory Dwelling Units: This proposed ordinance would change the City’s Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) regulations. ADUs are small apartments that share a lot with a single-family home. The proposal would change the areas of the City where new ADUs would be allowed, one option being citywide. More information: Council Staff Report.
Capital Improvement Program (CIP): Each year the Council sets aside money for big projects that involve the construction, purchase or renovation of buildings, parks, streets or other physical structures. The Council is currently considering which CIP projects to fund. Learn more about the projects here.
Can’t make the hearings? You can also weigh in at the City’s online forum, Open City Hall.
Tuesday’s meeting also features a briefing and discussion about the Citywide Housing Plan. Watch it live here. The Council will hold public hearings about this topic later this fall.
The Council will continue to discuss these proposals in the coming weeks and months. Stay informed at