Feedback? Cool!

Dear Neighborhood Cool Cat,

Let’s chat!

We’ve been getting your great comments about our posts and emails. Many of them seem to have points of view that other people might share. Wouldn’t it be great to be part of a dialog with other CHNC members, too? 

We learn and support each other, and the strength of our neighborhood, when we engage in conversation. 

And you can always comment on previous posts, too. Consider copying-and-pasting an emailed comment in the website comments.

Spark dialog and education. The health of our community needs your diverse opinions! Seriously! Thank you for being here. 🙂

New SLC Flag Design

The new Salt Lake City flag designs are in review. And need YOU!
See the flags and give your feedback, HERE!

Stay Cool!

• Stay Hydrated. Avoiding caffeine and sugar helps.

• Don’t Cook. Eat cool stuff. Keep that stove OFF. Have light, easy, cool meals. (PBJ, anyone?) Or order Take-out and support local biz.

• Wet neckerchiefs. (They are awesome!)Adjust your air conditioning. Denying yourself an icy room or car can actually help you stay cooler throughout the day. 

• Aim for the shade. We are kinda designed for cave-dwelling (being mostly-hairless apes), right? 

• Turn off lights and appliances. They create heat. Really.

• Cover windows. Window shade technology can do a lot to cut the heat. A cheap solution: Buy patio sunshade cloth and make window coverings with it. Even cheaper: Make temporary paper shades, tape them up. You’ll be amazed!

• Wear light, loose clothing.

• Host a Fan Club! Use fans to help move air around the house.
Psst. They don’t have to be pointed directly at you to help.

• Find more suggestions, HERE.

How are you staying cool? 

Let us know, below!

Comments 1

  1. Kudos for city government, thumbs down for city government. Thumbs up! I loved the 2nd West closing for biking, running, and walking – I used it most every day. I miss it. Thumbs down: communication from the city regarding the instrusive laying of GoobleFiber was very disappointing. And the work accomplished was unsightly and clumsy. The line down the road looks terrible. During the work, they broke our water sprinklers and those of our neighbors, took two weeks to repair them (we had to water by hand – and thus ended up wasting water – and they took another
    week to replace fill in the hole and did not replace the sod.) They were unapologetic. When we called the city to share our experience, we received a cold shoulder.

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