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The Capitol Hill Neighborhood Council’s purpose is to enhance and strengthen the vitality of our neighborhoods by fostering a participatory community of informed, engaged, and empowered residents working together to improve our neighborhoods. We are organized and run completely by volunteer residents, so your involvement is critical!

Neighborhood Meetings - third Wednesday of every month

At The Marmalade Library or on Zoom

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Marmalade Jam Fest



URGENT:  Cement Batch Plant Approval is Imminent

The owner of a property in our neighborhood at about 800 N just west of Beck Street, has applied for a conditional use permit to build a new Cement Batch Plant on that site.

The Salt Lake City Planning Division staff is recommending approval of the owner’s request (with several conditions) to the Planning Commission – who will make the final decision on the conditional use.

However, tomorrow evening residents have an opportunity to voice their opposition to the project.

We’re imploring all residents of the Capitol Hill neighborhood to attend the meeting to share their feelings and views about having such a facility in the middle of our neighborhood.

The Planning Commission seriously considers public comments; it will be worthwhile for residents to attend.

Even if you choose not to speak, just being there makes a big difference.

We have had several discussions about this in our monthly Capitol Hill Neighborhood Council (CapHill) meetings at the Library and there’s always been unanimous opposition to the proposal, usually very strong opposition.

The CapHill Board is unanimous in its opposition for the following reasons:

· Air Pollution It will definitely contribute to the already poor air quality in that area from the several refineries, gravel pits, heavy truck traffic, and other dirty industries.

· Noise Pollution It will probably contribute significantly to the amount of heavy truck traffic in the area

For those who are unable to make the meeting, you can email

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Information about the area can be found on the Capitol Hill Wikipedia entry, the Capitol Hill page on Nextdoor, the official Facebook page, Twitter feed, or contact us directly at