The Mayor has initiated a petition to amend the zoning ordinance regulations pertaining to land use that use significant amounts of water in the City. The ordinance is intended to do the following:
- Prohibit new land uses that would likely consume more than an annual average of 300,000 gallons of water per day;
- Restrict the expansion of existing land use types that consume more than an annual average of 300,000 gallons of water per day; and
- Amend definitions and land use tables to clarify that “bottling plant” includes the filling of various container forms with a liquid product generated from culinary water, and is further, prohibited city-wide. The amendments will continue to allow for small scale alcohol beverage production.
As part of the proposed amendments, the Planning Division will also review other existing land use regulations for potential revisions to mitigate demands on the City’s water supply.Further details regarding the intent and scope of the application can be found in the petition initiation memo in the “Additional Information” section below.
The City has prepared a draft ordinance. Through the public and City Staff review process this draft will be further revised.
Petition Number: PLNPCM2021-00635
Zoning District: Citywide
Code Section: Title 21A.33, 21A.62Staff Planner: Daniel Echeverria
Phone Number: 801-535-7165
End of the Public Comment Period: August 22, 2021
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